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Constat d’affichage de permis de construire

constat d'affichage de permis de construire

L’extrait de votre permis de construire ou de démolir doit être affiché sur le terrain où vous envisagez vos travaux. Il doit être visible depuis la voie publique. Cet affichage fait courir le délai de recours des tiers de deux mois. Mais … comment justifiez-vous l’affichage pendant deux mois consécutif ? La preuve de votre affichage – qui doit durer deux mois – peut se faire par constat d’huissier. Le constat d’affichage de permis de construire est le meilleur moyen pour éviter toute réclamation.   La preuve : pourquoi privilégier le constat d’affichage de permis de construire par huissier ? En […]

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  THE ADVICE OF OUR STUDY TO PLAY ARNAQUES AT SEASONAL RENTALS ALERT ARNAQUES SEASONAL RENTALS !!! As the summer season approaches, it seems important to us to give some practical advice to future holidaymakers looking for a house or apartment to rent for the holidays. Main objective: to protect them from possible risks of scams on the Internet. It is now very easy to rent a house or an apartment for summer holidays directly on a website. Faced with the increasing risks of scams flourishing on the net, the National Chamber of Judicial Officers recommends to adopt the good reflexes to avoid [...]

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Bailiff's report: FOCUS on


Bailiff's statement of facts: The need for a bailiff's statement of facts is often felt when you do not expect it: water damage, a supplier who does not deliver the right equipment, an insult on the Internet etc ... Unfortunately, it is sometimes complicated to contact a bailiff, not to mention that you do not necessarily know which one to contact. To avoid a tedious search, we have created the first platform for making an appointment for a statement of facts With, you have direct access, 24 hours a day, to a platform for making an appointment for a statement of facts online, on any [...]

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WAIVER OF SUCCESSION: please have the reflex Bailiff

You inherited, but you don't want to accept the inheritance? Whatever your reasons for renouncing the inheritance (refusal to bear the debts, or refusal of the inheritance to go directly to your own children, for example), you should know that bailiffs can be very useful to you. Indeed, in addition to the steps to be taken during a waiver of inheritance, which we remind you here quickly: Go to the Tribunal de Grande Instance of the domicile of the deceased or send them a CERFA form number 14037 which you can download here duly completed.

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SMS observation: our study speciality

  Whether you are a business or an individual, there may be times in your life when conversations you have had via SMS become evidence. However, it is an illusion to think of appearing before a magistrate with your own mobile phone, everyone can understand this. It is just as illusory to imagine presenting a magistrate with simple screenshots of his or her phone. Indeed, it will be enough for the opposing party to deny the reality of these messages for the magistrate to refute the evidence. The only way to prove the reality of an SMS conversation [...].

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Statement Building permit, posting statement

  BUILDING PERMIT: MANDATORY DISPLAY - After obtaining your building permit, you are obliged to post it on the land where the work is being carried out, for a minimum period of two consecutive months. This posting must : - Contain certain mentions: - The name of the beneficiary - The number of the building permit - The date of obtaining the building permit - The exact address where the file can be consulted (Town Hall, DDE, etc.) - The surface area of the plot (surface area in square metres) - The SHON surface area created - The nature of the work [...] - The name of the beneficiary - The number of the building permit - The date of obtaining the building permit - The exact address where the file can be consulted (Town Hall, DDE, etc.) - The surface area of the plot (surface area in square metres) - The SHON surface area created - The nature of the work [...].

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The bailiff's report before work

constat avant travaux

When to carry out a pre-works report? When a project owner carries out work near a property belonging to a third party, it is necessary, even before the start of the work, to have a bailiff draw up a report on the state of the neighbouring works, a pre-works report, before any work is carried out. It is a question of taking care of the proof of the state of the works before the works so as to: simplify the management of possible damages by avoiding any discussion on the initial state of the works, avoid having the works be charged with damages that would be prior to them. How to make an appointment? […]

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How to become a bailiff: what books are required to pass the pro exam?

devenir huissier : quels ouvrages

Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous allons parler de l’examen professionnel d’huissier de Justice et des ouvrages pour réussir l’examen pro. Si vous êtes sur le point de passer l’examen professionnel d’huissier de Justice (l’examen « pro ») comme on dit, il est des ouvrages indispensables à avoir lus. Les codes Impossible de ne pas avoir des codes à jour. En effet, il est tout à fait possible d’être interrogé sur un point précis qui a précisément fait l’objet d’une réforme. Seul un code à jour peut vous éviter de tomber dans le piège… Alors… Dalloz, ou Lexis Nexis : lequel choisir […]

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Attestation of adultery & others

adultery plea

  Attestation of adultery: proving the spouse's adultery In the past, the attestation of adultery was a strong mode of proof used by deceived spouses. Today, this statement is rarely used, not because adultery is no longer considered a fault, but simply because there are many ways to prove the spouse's infidelity. We will see here some of the means of proof that our study can provide you with. Adultery proven by e-mail, alternative to the adultery report? Provided that the deceived spouse has free access to his or her spouse's e-mail, as it can be [...].

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Arrêté de Péril : the intervention of the bailiff

Contrary to the classic expulsion procedure, administrative decisions, and in particular municipal decrees of danger or insalubrity, are not subject to the provisions of article L411-1 of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures. Indeed, the very wording of this article makes it possible to dispense with the eviction procedure in the case of an eviction from a building following a danger or unhealthy order. Article L411-1 of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures reads as follows: Unless otherwise provided for, eviction from a building or inhabited place may only be prosecuted pursuant to a court decision or an enforceable conciliation report and after service of a summons [...].

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Violence against women: bailiffs take action

Our study is associated with the initiative of the association of women bailiffs. The initiative aims to give women who are victims of violence by their spouses legal support. Indeed, and contrary to prejudices, bailiffs are in a position to help them in their steps and that is why the association of Women Bailiffs launched the operation 5,000 free acts per year with well-targeted and specific missions. - Retranscription of SMS and emails (word for word) with the drafting of reports - Reports of violence or degradation of the marital home - Recovery of alimony - [...]

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Le constat de mise sous scellés

Toute partie peut avoir intérêt à déposer de manière sécurisée un bien, qu’il soit corporel ou incorporel entre les mains d’un huissier. Le principe est de pouvoir d’une part conserver le meuble, mais aussi de lui conférer date certaine. Intérêt de la mise sous scellés Deux intérêts majeurs peuvent être retenus pour une mise sous scellés : la conservation d’un bien : l’huissier de justice devient dépositaire d’un bien : Il a pu s’agir par exemple d’une œuvre d’art d’une valeur de 150 000 euro, dans le cadre d’un jeu (cela fait ainsi 25 ans que les personnes qui participent […]

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Abandonment: What to do?

Abandonment of building site: You have work done on your property but, after being late, the workers leave the building site and don't come back? And yet, you have already paid all or part of the amount of the work? The contractor does not answer or makes promises that he does not keep? You find yourself in a property that has become uninhabitable, a construction that is not finished? We tell you what to do in case of abandonment! What is a derelict building site? Abandonment of a building site is constituted when an unjustified interruption and an abnormally long duration of the work is observed. […]

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Ban on the disposal of unsold textile products: the intervention of the bailiff

interdiction de jeter des textiles

The Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, announced the roadmap presenting 50 measures for a 100% circular economy. Among these measures, the 15th consists of a ban on throwing away unsold textile products. It is the application to the textile industries of the law proposed by the deputy Guillaume Garot adopted on February 3, 2016. This law already prohibits food industries from disposing of unsold food products that are fit for consumption. Asked about this ban on disposing of unsold textile products, Valérie Fayard, Emmaus' Deputy Executive Director, is pleased: "For the moment, nothing is really specified, [...]".

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Bailiff's report by drone

constat d'huissier par drone

Et si votre Huissier de Justice pouvait voler ? Jusqu’à présent, un constat d’huissier de Justice signifiait que l’huissier de Justice devait se rendre personnellement sur le lieu du constat. Malheureusement, parfois, les constatations n’étaient pas possible car l’accès était impossible pour des questions de sécurité (site pollué, toiture non sécurisée, zone dépourvue de route…) Aujourd’hui, grâce aux drones l’huissier prend son envol et la caméra de l’appareil devient le prolongement de son œil pour effectuer un constat. Un constat d’huissier par drone est parfois extrêmement utile C’est ainsi que parmi les constats que nous pouvons ainsi être amenés à […]

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Non-representation of children: when a parent does not respect the conditions of custody

Dans le cadre d’un divorce ou d’une séparation, en présence d’enfants, il est malheureusement assez courants que ces derniers soient instrumentalisés par l’un ou l’autre des parents et servent de monnaie d’échange dans une lutte qui n’est pas la leur. Tel parent va par exemple refuser de respecter les termes de l’ordonnance ou du jugement régissant les modes de garde. Il n’est pas rare que nous soyons appelés en urgence par un parent nous appelant au secours : « mon ex ne me ramène pas mon enfant » ou à l’inverse « mon ex refuse de me donner mon enfant pour le week-end ». C’est ce […]

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View Building Permits: What's changing

The decree of 30 March 2017 reflects the obligation under the LCAP law. This decree makes it compulsory to display the name of the architect in charge of the construction, extends the period of expiry of planning authorisations to 3 years, and limits the number of copies of planning authorisations to two additional copies for prior declaration files. The name of the architect must now appear on the notice boards of building permits (the same applies to planning permission), pursuant to the LCAP law of 7 July 2016 and following the publication of the decree of 30 March 2017 published on 12 April [...].

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Price of a bailiff's statement of facts: Calling in a bailiff for a statement of facts has become extremely simple. We will see the simplest ways to obtain a statement of facts. But what about the cost? How to obtain the best price? Statement of facts, statement of facts before works, statement of noise pollution, statement of facts on SMS, statement of facts on Internet, statement of facts on roads, statement of facts on building sites, statement of facts on discrimination, statement of facts on the posting of building permits, judicial officers are led to take part, more and more, daily, in the protection and the defence [...].

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Seasonal rentals: beware of the dangers!

Here we are at the beautiful days, the luckiest among us will be able to take advantage of the summer to go on holiday for a few days, a few weeks. Maybe you will rent an apartment or a house to private individuals. Conversely, you may intend to rent your home during your absence. In all these cases, good reflexes are to be taken as of now! If you are looking for a seasonal rental: Beware of the ghost landlord, or the house that does not exist ... When searching and booking, beware of low rates... The right one for you...

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Noise nuisance report

Noise nuisance report

Noise pollution: When do you need a noise report by a bailiff? Does your neighbour take his living room for a nightclub? He decides to take advantage of each night to move his furniture? You live above a company whose machines make an abnormal noise? Do your neighbours' dogs bark at everything all day long? In short ... if you suffer from noise pollution, the bailiff's report is a necessary prerequisite. Our bailiff's office specialises in noise nuisance reports. Indeed, in law, it is up to the victim [...].

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Inventory of fixtures by bailiff

You are going to rent an apartment... Whether you are an owner or a tenant, do not neglect the inventory of fixtures. The inventory of fixtures, also known as an inventory of fixtures report by a bailiff (or not), is an essential document that describes the rented accommodation (room by room as well as its possible private annexes), and its equipment. It establishes their state of conservation. In your interest, the law has made it obligatory to have it drawn up at the beginning and end of the rental period, whether empty or furnished, in order to avoid disputes when the tenant leaves. The inventory of fixtures and fittings must be attached to the rental contract. It [...]

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Bailiff's finding of discrimination

  Finding discrimination bailiff: The fight against discrimination is now one of society's main concerns. The law admits the principle of testing in order to provide proof of discrimination. The bailiffs of our office are at your disposal to make a statement of the possible discrimination that you are undergoing. The Observatory of Discriminations reminds you of what is, for example, discrimination in hiring: Age Physical appearance Belonging or not to an ethnic group Belonging or not to a nation Belonging or not to a nation Belonging or not to a race Belonging or not to a religion Belonging or not to a religion The state [...] The Observatory of Discriminations reminds you of what is, for example, discrimination in hiring: Age Physical appearance Belonging or not to an ethnic group Belonging or not to a nation Belonging or not to a nation Belonging or not to a race Belonging or not to a religion Belonging or not to a religion Belonging or not to a [...] The Observatory of Discriminations reminds you of what is, for example, discrimination in hiring: Age

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Purchase report by bailiff

« La contrefaçon peut être prouvée par tout moyen ». C’est ainsi que débute l’article L716-7 du code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. Aussi, est-il possible pour prouver une contrefaçon, sans passer par la procédure coûteuse de saisie-contrefaçon de faire constater par un huissier de Justice la mise en vente dans un lieu, des produits argués de contrefaçon : c’est le constat d’achat par huissier. Le constat d’achat par huissier de Justice est une procédure simple, relativement peu onéreuse, acceptée par la jurisprudence depuis de nombreuses années  (voir par exemple CA Paris, 25 octobre 1993, Union Franco-Chinoise/Kodak, Jurisdata : 1993-024434 ; Cass. Soc. 18 […]

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The road report

When a building site takes place, it is not rare for a dispute to arise between the municipality and the project owner. Indeed, the incessant passage of trucks, the installation of skips, the positioning on the public highway of palisades or construction site barracks, even if authorised, are likely to cause damage to the road or pavements. This is why it is very useful, both for the technical services of the town hall and for the project manager and owner, to carry out a roadside inspection before the start of the worksite, in order to check the condition of the surrounding area (see our article on the roadside inspection).

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Rental management report

CONSTAT location gérance : la nécessité de l’intervention de l’huissier. Si les problèmes d’état des lieux sont récurrents dans la relation bailleur – locataire, il en est tout autant le cas en matière de location-gérance.  En effet, si les relations entre les parties sont souvent cordiales lors de l’entrée du locataire-gérant dans les lieux, elles sont parfois plus tendues lors de son départ : outre les éventuelles dégradations qui pourraient avoir été commises et dont l’ampleur devra être appréciée pour envisager le sort du dépôt de garantie (appelé communément « caution »), il est nécessaire de vérifier l’inventaire du mobilier et ustensiles laissés à […]

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Inventory of fixtures Bailiff

Whether you are a professional or a private individual, whether you are a landlord or a tenant, you must carry out an inventory of fixtures when you sign a lease, and in particular when you move in or out. If you can ask the estate agency to take care of this service, it will charge you 3 euros per square metre, and cannot charge the tenant for the inventory of fixtures on departure. You might as well say that the inventory of fixtures is only profitable for an estate agency if it is carried out quickly. […]

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New Year, new skill(s)!

Happy New Year 2017! In this time of celebration and renewal, we send you our sincere wishes for happiness and prosperity. For our study, we have been preparing for the great changes of the year 2017 for a year now. In order to serve you better, we are now competent, for all your service of documents or any execution, on the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Versailles, namely : - The department of Yvelines -78 - The department of Hauts de Seine -92 - The department of Val d'Oise - 95 - And also the department of Eure [...]

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Defects: What to do? - Constructions and Defects: How to get out of it

Malfunctions what to do

What to do in case of defects? Since 1978, project managers, craftsmen, architects... have been obliged to take out construction insurance which guarantees the construction for 10 years. This is called the ten-year guarantee. From then on, and without even having to prove any fault whatsoever on the part of the builder, it is possible to have the guarantee come into play. However, in some cases, legal action is still necessary. Before taking the slightest step, the priority is to keep proof of the defect or defects. To do this, the first thing to do is to send a registered letter to the manufacturer to [...].

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Diogenes Syndrome: Owner's Anxiety

The name "Diogenes syndrome", adopted in 1975, refers to Diogenes of Sinope, a Greek philosopher of the fourth century BC. Although his aim was to live as close to nature as possible (i.e. outside the culture of Greek civilisation) and he followed certain restrictive exercises in order to achieve greater freedom, we know him mainly for the life he led against all social conventions. Although the motivations involved had nothing in common, it was this unusual and even shocking life in the eyes of society, which found it hard to imagine that anyone could live in an overturned jar or practise medicine.

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Bailiff's report: an increasingly frequent recourse

Judicial officers are led to participate, more and more, on a daily basis, in the protection and defence of the rights of citizens. As undisputed proof with the authorities, courts or insurance companies, the statement of facts of a judicial officer is essential in the protection and defence of heritage and personal property. Mandated by a private individual, the judicial officer travels to draw up a report of a statement of facts. This one will be supported, if necessary, by additional supporting documents (photographs, videos, screenshots, diagrams, plans, sketches, photocopies of documents... ). Except in rare cases in the case of rentals, the rate [...].

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Twitter facebook defamation: a common cocktail


Whether on twitter or facebook, internet users sometimes feel untouchable, entrenched behind the anonymity of their keyboard. If you are a victim, here are the steps to take: The Law on the freedom of the press of 29 July 1881 is not only applicable to paper communication but also to communication on the internet, and in particular blogs and social networks. The LCEN law of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy makes publications on the internet subject to the [...]

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Comparative advertising: the bailiff your ally

comparative advertisement

Longtemps interdite en France, la publicité comparative a tout d’abord été autorisée et encadrée par la jurisprudence, et notamment par la Cour de Cassation par un arrêt du 22 juillet 1986, puis par la loi du 18 janvier 1992 qui instaure un article L121-8 du code de la consommation : « Toute publicité qui met en comparaison des biens ou services en identifiant, implicitement ou explicitement, un concurrent ou des biens ou services offerts par un concurrent n’est licite que si: 1° Elle n’est pas trompeuse ou de nature à induire en erreur ; 2° Elle porte sur des biens ou services […]

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