Posts archive for 2020

A mobile application to place bidding orders

auction mobile application

Confinement forces, the auctions that we organize are disrupted. It is complicated for us to welcome bidders, and it is complicated for them to travel. Even though we are putting in place protocols to ensure that barrier gestures are respected, it seemed to us that one of the best solutions was to favour purchase orders. What better solution for this than a mobile auction application? The purchase order is a mandate that you send to our study by which you set in advance the maximum price at which you are ready to acquire the property put up for sale. At the time of the sale, you will receive a [...]

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State of health emergency: consequences on commercial leases - covid rent

covid rent

Faced with the worsening spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, a new state of public health emergency was declared as of 17 October 2020. A law published in the Official Gazette on 15 November 2020 authorised its extension until 16 February 2021 inclusive. This measure follows on from the first state of emergency that had been established throughout the national territory on 24 March 2020 with the publication of the Emergency Act of 23 March 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic. It was extended until 10 July 2020 by the Act of 11 May 2020. This time, it is the law [...]

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Seizure of vines

vine seizure

Our office has jurisdiction over the vineyards of Chablis, as it is under the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal. Indeed, our offices are certainly competent on the whole Paris region (Paris, inner and outer suburbs) but also on the departments of Eure et Loir (28) and Yonne (89). This is an opportunity to question the seizure of vines. In reality, the seizure of vineyards can have two facets. It can be a seizure of agricultural land, but also a seizure of the harvest. The seizure of vines as a seizure of standing crops: Before studying this seizure, [...]

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Safe deposit box seizure

safe-deposit box attachment

If the debtor wants to protect his valuable effects in a safe deposit box, he may be confronted with a seizure of the safe deposit box. Of course, when we talk about a seizure of a safe deposit box, we are actually talking about the seizure of the assets in the safe deposit box. There are actually two separate procedures depending on the nature of the safe deposit box. The first is the seizure of the safe of an individual or a company kept at home or in the office, while the second is the seizure of property placed in a safe held within a banking institution. The property contained [...].

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Seizure of shares in SCIs

attachment of shares in SCIs

Sometimes, proceedings against a natural person are made difficult by the lack of sufficient movable surface area to recover its claim, other times because of a more or less voluntary organization of an insolvency. Thus, in particular, a number of debtors organise their assets through companies and their real estate assets through SCIs. And yet, shares in SCIs can be seized and sold at auction, which, when one knows how to use this subtle tool of the seizure of shares in SCIs, very frequently makes it possible to obtain efficient recovery. Our study, which specialises in the implementation of the [...]

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The bailiff at the time of confinement

Containment began this morning. We are reliving the situation of last spring, resigned. However, the majority of the bailiffs have organized themselves in anticipation of this reconfinement. Small points in the form of questions and answers. Do the studies remain open during the confinement? Of course, our answers engage only our study and we cannot speak on behalf of our fellow-members. Our two studies, 6 place Tristan Bernard in Paris 17th and 12 avenue du général Gallieni in Nanterre remain open and available. Of course, we will favour teleworking for our collaborators, with a reduced but real presence in the offices. […]

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Death of the tenant: what to do?

tenant's death

If you are the owner of a rental unit, it is possible that one day a tenant may die during the course of the lease. In this case, what should you do? How to react to the death of a tenant? The rules differ according to the nature of the lease (furnished or unfurnished), and according to the existence or not of a surviving co-occupant and heirs. We will see successively the case of the death of a tenant holding an empty lease (law of 1989) by distinguishing the case where the tenant lived alone from the case where he did not live alone. We will then look at the case of furnished rentals, which [...].

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FOCUS ON ... the protection order

Nous inaugurons une nouvelle série d’articles, intitulés FOCUS. Il s’agit d’articles courts, peu techniques, visant à mettre en avant et à expliquer des procédures, des faits juridiques, à vocation du plus grand nombre. Nous espérons que cette série vous plaira et vous pouvez la retrouver à l’aide de l’outil « catégorie » en marge de la page. Focus donc, aujourd’hui sur : l’ordonnance de protection Créée par la loi n°2010-769 du 9 juillet 20101, l’ordonnance de protection est délivrée par le juge aux affaires familiales. Elle permet à la victime de violences conjugales (qu’il s’agisse ou non d’un couple marié) d’obtenir en […]

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Bitcoin entry: is it possible to enter crypto-currencies?

Seizure of Bitcoins

More and more individuals, and even companies, are holding bitcoin and the question of the possible seizure of bitcoin is being raised. With their high volatility, crypto-currencies (we will speak here of bitcoins because it is the first active crypto, the best known and most widespread, but the following developments are applicable to the majority of crypto-currencies, whether it is Dash, Etherum, Litecoin, etc.), have attracted the French and today a study states that 6.7% of the French would hold them. This is one of the reasons why our study is the first study to accept the [...].

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We accept BitCoin payments - Pay your bailiff in Bitcoin

As the first bailiff's office to accept Bitcoin payments, to the best of our knowledge, we chose to accept this method of payment for several reasons, while making bailiffs, Bitcoin and security go hand in hand. The first of these is that it is nowadays impossible to deny the existence of crypto currencies. They are becoming widespread, and are far from being relegated to a use in the dark web. Many companies accept BitCoin payments and, to name just a few, you can now make a donation to the Fondation de France to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral, or to the [...]

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Vessel seizure

vessel sequestration

Our firm specialises in French and international proceedings, and has recognised expertise in proceedings that are out of the ordinary, whether they involve the seizure of exceptional intangible personal property (seizure of taxi licences, seizure of a licence for a public house, or seizure of trademarks or domain names...) or exceptional tangible personal property (seizure of aircraft or helicopters, seizure of barges or boats). We are regularly called upon to assist our creditor clients throughout Europe to carry out or have carried out the seizure of vessels, whether they fly the French or foreign flag. This is an opportunity [...]

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Domain name registration: myth or reality?

domain name registration

Un nom de domaine peut revêtir une certaine valeur patrimoniale, et certains cybersquatters l’ont bien compris, en achetant à bas prix des noms de domaine dans l’unique but de les revendre, soit à un titulaire de marque n’ayant pas encore enregistré son nom de domaine, soit à toute personne pouvant y être intéressés. C’est la règle du « premier arrivé, premier servi » Dès lors, et dans la mesure où l’article 2284 du code civil dispose « Quiconque s’est obligé personnellement, est tenu de remplir son engagement sur tous ses biens mobiliers et immobiliers, présents et à venir. » nous sommes en droit de […]

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  THE ADVICE OF OUR STUDY TO PLAY ARNAQUES AT SEASONAL RENTALS ALERT ARNAQUES SEASONAL RENTALS !!! As the summer season approaches, it seems important to us to give some practical advice to future holidaymakers looking for a house or apartment to rent for the holidays. Main objective: to protect them from possible risks of scams on the Internet. It is now very easy to rent a house or an apartment for summer holidays directly on a website. Faced with the increasing risks of scams flourishing on the net, the National Chamber of Judicial Officers recommends to adopt the good reflexes to avoid [...]

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Protecting your creations

protect its creations

Whether writer, musician, advertiser, creative, inventor, designer or stylist, every artist or creative person has one day wondered about the relevance of having their creations protected. However, most of the solutions available to you are quite rigid and costly. This is the reason why we have created the DATA ROOM by bailiff: a service offer accessible online, 24/7, at a cost defying all competition. Protecting your creations with the DATA ROOM, how does it work? Very simply, by clicking on the DATA ROOM button, you have the possibility to create your own [...]

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Is the COVID 19 outbreak a force majeure?

COVID 19 Force majeure

The VIDOC-19 epidemic has created a period of uncertainty in business life: plant closures, containment, prohibition of consolidations, extensions of deadlines, etc. have all disrupted the fulfilment of contractual obligations. The defaulting party may wish to invoke force majeure due to COVID 19 in order to clear itself of its non-performance. Force majeure: what does the law say? According to Article 1218 of the Civil Code, created by the 2016 contract law reform: "Force majeure in contractual matters exists when an event beyond the debtor's control, which could not [...] be avoided by the debtor's failure to perform his or her contractual obligations.

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Squat: what to do?

squat what to do

The case of this young man from Toulouse, whose house was squatted while he was confined to his parents' home, was covered by the media and made most people aware that the law, by dint of wanting, rightly so, to protect the weakest, can create absurd and dramatic situations. In case of squatting: what to do? As a reminder, on March 31, 2020, the newspaper La Dépêche reported the misadventure of this young boy, a student in Toulouse. He had gone to his parents' home in the Hautes-Pyrénées before the confinement and soon realized that an intruder was occupying his home in [...].

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How to ensure your resumption of activity thanks to the bailiff's report?

business recovery report

Whether you are a craftsman, a liberal profession, a company (whatever its size), here comes the end of containment and the resumption of activity. Let's see why it's in your best interest to have an activity resumption report drawn up. After the period of confinement, the resumption of activity may lead to a change in habits and a natural fear on the part of your customers and employees. The companies that can reassure their visitors and employees will be the ones most likely to be able to resume normal activity. Your bailiff will allow you, thanks to his expertise, to be able to [...]

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Electronic service of judicial officers' documents

Electronic Significance

Bailiffs are not (anymore?) the dusty characters described in popular imagery. On the contrary, they are, for the most part, at the cutting edge of modernity. Electronic service of documents, an essential tool for judicial officers living in the 21st century, is one of the tools they use on a daily basis. The episode of confinement at the beginning of the year 2020 made it possible to justify the interest for this mode of service. Electronic service: what the law says Decree 2012-366 of 15 March 2012 paved the way for electronic service, in accordance with the provisions of the [...].

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Divorce reform: the consequences in international law

divorce reform

From 1 September 2020, and in accordance with Decree 2019-1380 of 17 December 2019, the divorce reform will come into force. Among the major changes are the abolition of the petition and the non conciliation order. Indeed, the procedure will begin with the divorce summons, which is not without consequence in the case of international divorce. In domestic law, the writ of summons marks the beginning of the procedure, as recalled in the introduction. However, this is not the case in international matters. Indeed, it is the filing of the petition that brings the matter before the court. But what happens if the two [...]

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Extension of time limits - containment

containment delay

L’ordonnance du 25 mars 2020, publié au journal officiel du 26, prévoit la suspension de délais, leur gel, ou leur report. Le régime appliqué diffère selon le type de délai. Nous parlons du report de délais – confinement.   Avant de débuter l’analyse des conséquences de cette ordonnance créant un report de délais confinement, notons que les délais et mesures à prendre en compte sont ceux « qui ont expiré ou qui expirent entre le 12 mars 2020 et l’expiration d’un délai d’un mois à compter de la date de cessation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire déclaré dans les conditions de l’article […]

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COVID-19: our offices remain at your service

The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in population containment measures and the closure of any unnecessary assembly areas. The studies of bailiffs, since they participate in a Public Service, are not concerned by these closures and this containment. In order to protect our staff and visitors, we have implemented the following solutions: Our study continues its mission of service of documents and statements of facts throughout the Ile de France. However, our study teams in Paris have been relocated, and our office in Nanterre does not receive visitors. In the [...]

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Exempt property

Unseizable property

While article 2284 of the Civil Code provides that "Anyone who has committed himself personally shall be bound to fulfil his commitment on all his movable and immovable property, present and future", the law has provided for exceptions to this general principle, listing exhaustively the cases of unseizability. A brief overview of unseizable property. Among the assets that are exempt from seizure are both movable and immovable property, tangible and intangible property. Tangible movable property that is exempt from seizure: Most of it is listed in article R112-2 of the Code of Civil Procedure for Execution.

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History Bailiff

History Bailiff

HISTORY Bailiff: Brief history of the profession Cadet Rousselle has three houses, Which have neither beams nor rafters, It's to house the swallows, What will you say about Cadet Rousselle? This song gently mocking the bailiff Guillaume Joseph Rousselle in 1792 to the tune of the song Jean de Nivelle has gone through the centuries and is still relevant today. It is the same with the profession of judicial officer which has known how to cross the ages since Antiquity: isn't it said that the judicial officer is as old as the law, and as necessary as the judges? HISTORY: EIGHT UNDER THE ANTIQUITY In the context of the [...]

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Recovery of unpaid debts: think Bailiff

outstanding recovery

COLLECTION OF IMPAYMENTS: THE OCCUPATIONAL BARRIER FOR THE AMICABLE PHASE The judicial officer is the only professional authorised to offer you an integrated chain for the collection of unpaid debts, from amicable to legal. He knows the different profiles of debtors: we offer you the most appropriate solution, using the most effective means and we organise all the stages of collection in agreement with you, from the amicable to the legal phase . Judicial officers collect eight billion euros annually: What better proof are you waiting for to entrust your debts to us? A recent INSEE report points out the increase in the number of debt collection [...]

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Bailiff's report: FOCUS on


Bailiff's statement of facts: The need for a bailiff's statement of facts is often felt when you do not expect it: water damage, a supplier who does not deliver the right equipment, an insult on the Internet etc ... Unfortunately, it is sometimes complicated to contact a bailiff, not to mention that you do not necessarily know which one to contact. To avoid a tedious search, we have created the first platform for making an appointment for a statement of facts With, you have direct access, 24 hours a day, to a platform for making an appointment for a statement of facts online, on any [...]

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PACS rupture

breach of contract

The break-up of Pacs can occur in different ways: - automatically: by the marriage of one or more partners or by the death of one of the partners. - voluntarily: by a joint request of the partners, or by a unilateral decision. It is obviously the latter solution that poses the most problems. The automatic termination of PACS: In the event of the death of one of the PACS partners, the latter is dissolved on the date of the said death. The civil registrar responsible for recording the death on the birth certificate of the deceased partner will note the existence of a PACS, and will warn [...].

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Drawing of lots: the legal assistance of the judicial officer

bailiff's draw

During a competition, if the prize is awarded by means of a draw, several options are available to the organizer of the game. First of all, and this is the solution we recommend, you may wish to instruct the bailiff to carry out the draw himself. The bailiff will then draw up a report which will attest, in an absolute manner, to the reality of the hazard and the result of the draw. No dispute can then be raised, unless, in accordance with the law of 22 December 2010, the opposite proof can be demonstrated. In this case, the bailiff [...].

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European Enforcement Order: all you need to know

The European Enforcement Order was created by Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims and entered into force on 21 October 2005. What is the European Enforcement Order? The European Enforcement Order (EEO) enables individuals and companies in the European Union (with the notable exception of Denmark) to enforce a civil or commercial court decision throughout the European Union, irrespective of their nationality. The EEO is a court decision, court settlement or authentic instrument relating to [...].

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Seizure of aircraft

aircraft seizure

One of the most spectacular enforcement actions is the seizure of aircraft. Difficult to establish the inherently volatile nature of the property to be seized, this seizure of aircraft is extremely useful. Our study is your privileged ally in the seizure of aircraft: Thanks to its perfect mastery of the subject, our study can carry out seizures at Paris le Bourget airport (93), as well as at Roissy Charles de Gaulle (93), Orly (94), Issy les Moulineaux heliport and the airfields of Bailleau Armenonville (28), Vernouillet (28), Chavenay Villepreux (78), Les Mureaux-Verneuil (78), Saint-Hubert (78), Saint-Hubert (78) and Paris (78).

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Seizure of licence IV: the bailiff's procedure

license attachment IV

As an essential tool for the operation of a public house, the IV licence is sometimes the only valuable asset of an establishment, apart from the goodwill. Indeed, by dint of leasing, the provision of coffee machines or beer pumps by, respectively, the coffee supplier or the brewer, creditors are sometimes deprived when their debtor is a public house... unless they use the seizure of licence IV. Our bailiffs' office in Nanterre La Défense has, as always, an amicable approach for this type of debtor by seeking to [...].

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Prosecution of partners in a civil partnership

When a creditor's debtor is a civil partnership (SCI, SCP, SCCV, etc...) he has, contrary to what happens with a limited liability company for example, the possibility to turn directly against the partners of the civil partnership. Indeed, while the partner of an SA or a SARL is protected by the partnership, the partner of a SCI, a SCP, a SCCV, etc. is liable on his own property for the debts of the civil partnership. Thus, the creditor of a defaulting civil partnership can seek settlement of his debt from the partners. Under what conditions? However, each partner is only liable [...].

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Non-refund of deposit

Le non remboursement du dépôt de garantie, usuellement et improprement appelé « caution » est une cause fréquente de litige entre le bailleur et le locataire, parfois chacun de bonne foi.  Le règle est que le locataire doit prendre soin du logement et l’entretenir, du moins en ce qui concerne l’entretien et les réparations locatives. S’il s’avère que le locataire a failli à cette obligation, le bailleur pourra alors prélever sur le dépôt de garantie les frais réellement engagés pour procéder auxdites réparations. Il appartiendra au propriétaire de justifier d’une part de la dégradation de son bien par le fait du locataire, […]

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The takeover by the lessor of the dwelling abandoned by the tenant

Abandoned dwelling

A procedure that has been considerably relaxed by the legislator is the takeover by the lessor of a dwelling abandoned by its tenant without prior notice. It is indeed not uncommon to see tenants, often after a period of non-payment of rent, leaving their homes without warning and abandoning the premises. The procedure to take back the abandoned dwelling is done by the intervention of a bailiff and has been accelerated since 1 June 2012. Indeed, whereas it was until then necessary to summon in eviction, the law of July 6, 1989 was [...].

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WAIVER OF SUCCESSION: please have the reflex Bailiff

You inherited, but you don't want to accept the inheritance? Whatever your reasons for renouncing the inheritance (refusal to bear the debts, or refusal of the inheritance to go directly to your own children, for example), you should know that bailiffs can be very useful to you. Indeed, in addition to the steps to be taken during a waiver of inheritance, which we remind you here quickly: Go to the Tribunal de Grande Instance of the domicile of the deceased or send them a CERFA form number 14037 which you can download here duly completed.

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SMS observation: our study speciality

  Whether you are a business or an individual, there may be times in your life when conversations you have had via SMS become evidence. However, it is an illusion to think of appearing before a magistrate with your own mobile phone, everyone can understand this. It is just as illusory to imagine presenting a magistrate with simple screenshots of his or her phone. Indeed, it will be enough for the opposing party to deny the reality of these messages for the magistrate to refute the evidence. The only way to prove the reality of an SMS conversation [...].

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Statement Building permit, posting statement

  BUILDING PERMIT: MANDATORY DISPLAY - After obtaining your building permit, you are obliged to post it on the land where the work is being carried out, for a minimum period of two consecutive months. This posting must : - Contain certain mentions: - The name of the beneficiary - The number of the building permit - The date of obtaining the building permit - The exact address where the file can be consulted (Town Hall, DDE, etc.) - The surface area of the plot (surface area in square metres) - The SHON surface area created - The nature of the work [...] - The name of the beneficiary - The number of the building permit - The date of obtaining the building permit - The exact address where the file can be consulted (Town Hall, DDE, etc.) - The surface area of the plot (surface area in square metres) - The SHON surface area created - The nature of the work [...].

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The bailiff's report before work

constat avant travaux

When to carry out a pre-works report? When a project owner carries out work near a property belonging to a third party, it is necessary, even before the start of the work, to have a bailiff draw up a report on the state of the neighbouring works, a pre-works report, before any work is carried out. It is a question of taking care of the proof of the state of the works before the works so as to: simplify the management of possible damages by avoiding any discussion on the initial state of the works, avoid having the works be charged with damages that would be prior to them. How to make an appointment? […]

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The bailiff and intellectual protection

Intellectual property: How can the judicial officer help you to protect your works and creations? Bailiffs are your natural allies in the protection of your works and creations, both upstream (when the bailiff gives a certain date to your creations) and after counterfeiting of your creations. We will deal with this second point in another article. Intellectual protection: protecting your creations by giving them a certain date. Since the law of December 22, 2010 (known as the Béteille Law), the Official Statements of Finding drawn up by judicial officers have a date certain date.

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Abandoned car at the garage: what to do?

abandoned car

Garage owners are faced with a real scourge: the abandonment of vehicles, before or after repair, by their customers. Whether it is a question of customers who do not follow up after a quote, or customers who have the repair work done but do not come to collect their vehicle, probably because of a lack of funds or sometimes because of disinterest. What to do if the car is abandoned at the garage? What to do when a car is abandoned at the garage? The aim is twofold: to free up space at the garage and to allow the garage to be paid for its work.

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The Internet report, or reports on the Internet

Le constat internet : « idem est non esse aut non probari« , les droits sont comme s’ils n’existaient pas s’ils ne peuvent être prouvés. Cet adage n’est nullement poussiéreux et l’huissier de Justice, homme de preuve, a vu récemment la force probante de ses constatations renforcée par le législateur. Moderne dans la tradition, l’Huissier de Justice a parfaitement su s’adapter à l’ère de l’internet pour apporter en cette matière la preuve de faits matériels s’y déroulant. Pour effectuer une demande de constat en ligne I) Le recours à l’huissier de Justice, dans le cadre des litiges liés à l’Internet, fait partie […]

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competition games: why still deposit them at a bailiff's office?

COMPETITION GAMES: Article L121-38 of the Consumer Code, which provided for the obligation to deposit with a Ministerial Officer (bailiff) the rules of the game has been repealed by article 54 of the law of 21 December 2014. This repeal, which went relatively unnoticed, can be explained in terms of Community law. Indeed, by decision of 10 July 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Communities ruled that any national legislation governing commercial practices not included in the annex to the said Convention is contrary to Directive 2005/25/EC of 11 May 2005. However, the aforementioned European Directive makes no reference whatsoever to [...].

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Unpaid alimony? Our solutions

Unpaid alimony, a plague. In France, nearly 40% of alimony payments are made irregularly, out of ill will or because of financial difficulties of the former spouse. This alarming phenomenon mainly affects women, most of whom are heads of single-parent families. On 1 June last, the judicial officers, partners of the K d'Urgence Foundation, intervened during the Special Single Parent Day. A propitious occasion to recall our know-how. As a specialist in cases of non-payment, our study is able to detect the profile and behaviour of a debtor and quickly assess his level of solvency and the chances of recovery. We are perfectly qualified to help you [...]

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The Bailiffs' Tariff

The bailiffs' tariff we will deal here with the tariffed part of our services. For the rates of our statements of facts, the simplest way is to request an online estimate on our platform for making an appointment for statements of facts. For everything else concerning the bailiffs' tariff, please click here: "Enforcement costs are borne by the debtor and constitute one of the items of the claim of the beneficiary of the enforceable title, making it possible, if they remain unpaid, to undertake or continue enforcement measures based on the enforceable title" (Revue des Huissiers de justice November 2001) [...].

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judicial officer: a blog for what purpose?

A BLOG, yes, but for what purpose? Editing a professional blog was one of the concerns of our study in order to respond to the many requests made to us and to which our institutional site ( could not provide a satisfactory answer. We wanted to allow direct communication with our clients, correspondents, and in general with the public. A blog for greater interactivity The law firm Leroi Wald Reynaud Ayache Tommasone, bailiffs in Nanterre, has been present on the web since 1998. Nevertheless, the form that this presence takes evolves. The omnipresence from now on of social media, social networks and various channels [...].

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