Visit of the Hostiarri museum: bailiffs' museum

IMG_8860We had the chance to visit the Hostiarri Museum, the first museum on the bailiff profession. 



This museum was created by master Isnard, who brought to the museum his personal collection acquired during half a century.

Located at 11/13 rue Notre Dame des Victoires in Paris, the museum, whose name Hostiarii corresponds to the first name of bailiffs in France, includes a library of hundreds of works devoted to the profession, some dating from the Ancien Régime. These works are intended for research and can be consulted.






In the basement, the magnificent vaulted cellars house not only the acts of judicial officers, but also appointment orders, but also posters, costumes, lithographs, newspapers, and objects used by judicial officers throughout the ages.



























The presentation of the pieces is meticulous and one is surprised to meet a colleague from another century at his work table...













Thanks to Stéphane Rollot for the photos (n°2 to 6)